
Showing posts from September, 2017

Always Connect

Always Connect to God!! best healer....with it comes true knowledge....true wisdom....true purpose of life..... life is without postponing , always connect to god !! good and good shall come back to you.....spend time with your parents and children....the only worthwhile relations in the world......spend time with friends..they can free your soul........always love society........

Keep Busy!!!

Keep Busy working... Keep busy praying....keep busy meeting friends.... Keep busy always..... An empty mind is a Devil's workshop...rightly said.. always day, you will conquer.... keep community service...... KEEP BUSY!!!

Always Pray!!!

Always Pray, Prayers are direct letters to God...always answered.....justice delayed is justice denied....but something is always better than nothing....different schools of thought.......believe in the karma theory and pray.....not for revenge but for peace.....not for materialistic things but for true wisdom....not for habit but for culture......pray,pray, pray...... One day prayers turn into meditation......and eventually a direct connection to the Almighty!!!!


Stay happy. Pretend to be happy.  One day you will actually be able to......... Try to do deep breath as much as possible...... Don’t take stress....... Come what may don’t take it...... Things always change If for better then good... If for worse then you will gather up strength to move on and choose a different course of life So never worry. Always be happy........