
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why is an update needed in the way kids learn?

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”, rightly is it said that children should be exposed to extra-curricular activities and fun ideas at an early age. Major learning happens in the primary and secondary school years.....But the question here is, how to mark the right balance between play and studies? With an over increasing pressure of advanced and complicated curriculums and unprecedented competition for children now-a days, won’t it be better if they are taught in a manner which rejuvenates their creativity, thought process and makes them enjoy their learning? Maybe this way we can achieve some harmony between work and play for young adults. Indian education system must undergo a paradigm shift if we want our students to compete on an international platform. One of the major effects of globalization on education sector is that even young students get a variety of opportunities to make a mark internationally. Traditional indian methods of route learning and book-worm

Personal Development

We are defined by the steps we take, because those steps produce results that can be used to describe us. Desire without the will to achieve it; is a desire to laugh at. Today I take you on a journey that describes the efficacy of consistency. First, we examine recognizing potentials and seizing opportunities, then, we move to the beauty in taking one step after the other to produce results. Finally, we talk about not despising little beginnings. Just like the slinky, goals only become reality when we keep at it; one step, two step, and then repeat. To achieve anything, you have to be dedicated to the endeavor. Humans get frustrated easily when chasing goals, or, just during your everyday life. In these times, there are opportunities lying around. We just don't see them sometimes. The very thing you can do is actually waiting for you to look at it, not just sighting it, but to recognize the potential therein. The success you covet is on planet earth, if it wasn't, astron