Personal Development
are defined by the steps we take, because those steps produce results that can
be used to describe us. Desire without the will to achieve it; is a desire to
laugh at. Today I take you on a journey that describes the efficacy of
consistency. First, we examine recognizing potentials and seizing
opportunities, then, we move to the beauty in taking one step after the other
to produce results. Finally, we talk about not despising little beginnings.
Just like the slinky, goals only become reality when we keep at it; one step,
two step, and then repeat. To achieve anything, you have to be dedicated to the
get frustrated easily when chasing goals, or, just during your everyday life.
In these times, there are opportunities lying around. We just don't see them
sometimes. The very thing you can do is actually waiting for you to look at it,
not just sighting it, but to recognize the potential therein. The success you
covet is on planet earth, if it wasn't, astronauts will be the only great men.
It might not look like much at first. But will you push? Will follow that dream
that looks awkward? Facebook was
intended to be a campus social media only, but it grew. The idea looked small
at first, but it did not stop that idea from taking over the world. Will you
just look at all the series of events around as mere coincidences? Will you
start to see the positive in situations? More importantly, will you utilize
them? There are opportunities in every situation. All you have to do is
recognize it.
setting your goals, you must work towards attaining those goals. Working is not
good enough if dedication is absent. You take one step, the next step, and then
you repeat. Just like the slinky. You must keep at it. I know of a young man
who had dreams. He had a magnificent CGPA in his first year in college: a CGPA
of 2.16 out of five. He was down casted, those feelings might show up once in a
while, but you must learn to convert them to positive energy, let those
emotions drive you to success. The boy was disappointed, but he refused to let
disappointment hold him down. He felt sad, but he didn't allow sadness push him
to the floor. He said to himself: “I can do better than this.” The next session
was tougher, the books were bigger, and the syllabus was wider. He looked
beyond the circumstances and worked. He made all sacrifice possible. At times
when he fell, he stood up. The results were out, his CGPA, miraculously, did not
increase. But this young man was no quitter, he worked harder than he used to.
It didn't look like she wanted a relationship; but still, he fell in love with
his studies. He did not skip classes; the focus at this point was one hundred percent.
The results were out yet again. He saw that which will make him a man of
impact. He saw an increase. He had a 4.69 GP for that semester. He then said to
himself: "No matter what it looks like, I won't stop taking those
steps." He did graduate, and today he is a millionaire. Just like the
slinky, you have to keep at it, the moment you stop, you stop making progress
At this point I must remind you that it is not
bad to start small. The fact that you don't look like much doesn't mean you
cannot make it. A man started making carbonated drinks about a century ago. The
drink was so superb, that in the first year it only 25 bottles in its first
year. The annual sales were not so encouraging. But he didn't stop production.
He didn't give up either, he kept taking those steps. The sales increased, but
slowly. Today, the drink records 1.8 billion bottles sold per day. That drink
that had an annual sale of twenty-five bottle in its first year is sold across
two hundred countries worldwide. The name of that drink is Coca-Cola. Are you
willing to persevere? You are feeling like you can never do it, we all have
that feeling at one point or the other. Tyler Perry, one of the biggest actors,
had it rough at early times. He attempted suicide twice in his twenties. He
worked hard. Today he is drowning in the pool of success.
you willing to make sacrifices? Are you ready to spread those wings and fly? All
you need do is put your heart to it. I have seen life push people down. I've
seen people who thought of life as a bed of stones. But more importantly, I have seen people who
did not give up. I have seen people who took steps and didn't stop and became
great. Speak to yourself today. There is something in you that the world is yet
to see. Make the world know it today! One step, the next step, and then repeat.
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